Testimonials & Reflections
Call to action responses from actors and voices participating in Destructive Driving theatrical campaign.
I lost someone in my family due to distracted driving.
This problem won’t be solved in a day but starting now will help the future.
Now with autopilot installed in cars people have more ways to be distracted.
Any ordinary man in an ordinary world can make a difference.
Getting this campaign out could save lives.
I had a friend in college who was killed by a distracted driver.
I was on my phone yesterday and almost rear-ended a guy. That was a huge wakeup call for me.
We are trying to make things easier for ourselves but in reality we are creating distractions for ourselves.
I know someone who crashed and hit someone and killed them because she was distracted.
I cannot stress how dire this campaign is.
DD Contributor
I have been a distracted driver before and gotten in an accident.
I lost a co-worker to distracted driving.
We can prevent car crashes by putting the phone down. We can save lives by doing this.
Distracted driving is the reason I got into my one and only car crash.
We live in the most connected world but the most disconnected society.
I am a distracted driver.
I totaled my car because I was driving distracted.
This is an extremely important campaign.
American culture has become keeping up with the Jones.
We are easily distracted as human beings.
The way to stop destructive driving is simple, put down your phone while driving.
The closest calls I’ve had getting into car accidents is because of someone on their phone.
In today’s society we have so many distractions.
It’s important to get people involved in this topic before something tragic happens to one of their loved ones.
The time we live in is a culture of distraction.
I’ve been guilty of it, this is what I do.
This is really important for everyone.
One wrong move can get people killed.
Distracted driving can hurt, can kill.
A lot of people don’t take this issue seriously.
It only takes one person to set off a vibration and impact others.
This car is going to drive me I don’t have to pay attention. You still have to pay attention!
As I’m driving around I see people of all ages driving totally distracted.
I have been guilty of sending a quick text while driving.
I have been a victim of distracted driving, I was almost killed.
I’ve lost a family friend to distracted driving.
Nothing in this world changes unless you speak out about it.
I was in a car accident because a driver was distracted by their mobile phone.
I just got a notification that I had spent 6 hours on my phone last week. That’s insane, that’s crazy.
People like Elon Musk are so removed from reality that the consequences of his actions that land on people he will never meet don’t matter to him.
If we stop being selfish for just a moment and consider all the people we’re connected to, then we will start being present.
The reason I have this scar on my head is because I was in a car accident from a destructive driver.
When you are out on the road you are putting someone else’s life in your hands.
Distracted driving is very serious. It not only affects you but the people around you.
It’s more than one person’s life being affected. You are literally hurting a multitude of people.
People need to stop texting and driving because it risks your life and others.
Elon Musk is aloof to what is really happening in the world.
People don’t see traffic signs because they are distracted driving.
Distracted driving causes so many preventable accidents, injury, and even death.
The reason I have this scar on my head is because I was in a car accident from a destructive driver.
What makes them bad drivers is they just can’t stop checking their phones all the time.
When you are out on the road you are putting someone else’s life in your hands.
Technology should never be used when driving a car.
I know people who have been hurt by distracted driving.
I know friends who have been on their phones and crashed their cars.
Distracted driving has ended many lives way too soon.
Everybody needs to stay focused, both hands on the wheel.
I know firsthand what can happen when people drive distracted.
Going out for a drive I’m always aware of my surroundings because I don’t know who’s distracted by something.
Driving is an absolute privilege.
Be better, stay great.
Life is not about an app. Life is about life.
Distracted driving gets people killed.